ODNS explores a variety of teaching units and themes incorporating the children’s interests, as well as trusted favorites and teacher directed activities. We also enjoy field trips throughout the year to an area apple orchard, the local fire station, Pratt Museum, Historic Deerfield. We also have invited guests such as doctors, EMTs, police officers, firefighters, musicians, and more.
Daily Schedule
Our school year begins in early September through June, following the Union 38 academic calendar.
While schedules can change based on individual class needs and specific programmatic goals, below is a typical class day for half day and full day programming:
8:15–8:30 Arrival/Limited Choice Activity
9:00 Morning Meeting (weather, calendar, jobs, phonics, literacy activities)
9:30 Hand Washing and Snack
10:00 Read Aloud
10:15 Small Group Activities
10:45 Outside/Choice
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Dismissal for Half Day Program
12:45 -2:15 Rest
2:15 Afternoon Activity/Outdoor Play
3:30 Dismissal for Full Day Program
We’d love to welcome you in our classroom!